Patron: His Majesty King Charles III
Chorus Master: Gavin Carr
Accompanist: Timothy End
Arts Council England

Mahler's Second Symphony in Lille

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On Thursday 28 February 2019 the Philharmonia Chorus took part in a performance of Mahler's Symphony No.2 'Resurrection' in the Auditorium du Nouveau Siècle in Lille. The Chorus joined soprano Kate Royal, mezzo-soprano Christianne Stotijn and the Orchestre National de Lille. The performance was conducted by Alexandre Bloch. This was the Chorus's first appearance in the orchestra's 2019 Mahler cycle, and the performance was broadcast live on You Tube.

Handel's Messiah at Christmas at the Royal Albert Hall

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On Friday 21 December 2018 the Philharmonia Chorus took part in two performances of Handel's Messiah at the Royal Albert Hall. The Chorus joined soprano Anna Devin, mezzo-soprano Anna Harvey, tenor Nick Pritchard and bass Benjamin Appl. The Royal Phliharmonic Orchestra was conducted by Maxim Emelyanychev.

Amadeus Live! at the Royal Albert Hall


On Friday 2 November 2018 the Philharmonia Chorus took part in a live showing of Miloš Forman's 1984 film Amadeus at the Royal Albert Hall, London. The Academy of St Martin in the Fields was conducted by Ludwig Wicki.

The Chorus took part in the world première of Amadeus Live! at the Royal Albert Hall in October 2016.

Haydn's Creation in Bath Abbey

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On Saturday 30 June, the Philharmonia Chorus took part in a performance of Haydn's The Creation in Bath Abbey. The Chorus joined soprano Elin Manahan Thomas, tenor James Oxley and baritone Benjamin Bevan. The Bath Philharmonia was conducted by Jason Thornton.

Mozart's Requiem with Itzhak Perlman


On Sunday 6 May 2018, the Philharmonia Chorus took part in a performance of Mozart's Requiem at the Royal Festival Hall, London. The chorus joined soprano Ailish Tynan, mezzo-soprano Renata Pokupic, tenor Luis Gomes and baritone Duncan Rock. The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra was conducted by Itzhak Perlman, in a rare London appearance.

Elgar's The Dream of Gerontius in the Chapel of King's College, Cambridge

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On Good Friday 30 March 2018, the Philharmonia Chorus took part in a performance of Elgar's The Dream of Gerontius in the Chapel of King's College, Cambridge as part of the 2018 Easter at King's Festival. The Chorus joined mezzo-soprano Kathryn Rudge, tenor Brenden Gunnell, bass David Stout, and the BBC Concert Orchestra. The performance was conducted by Christopher Robinson, and was broadcast live on BBC Radio 3.