Patron: His Majesty King Charles III
Chorus Master: Gavin Carr
Accompanist: Timothy End
Arts Council England


The income of the Philharmonia Chorus derives from concert fees, trusts and foundations, and donations from individuals. All three income streams are essential for the Chorus to continue to produce performances of international quality on the concert platform.

By supporting our Student Scheme, you would also be helping a singing student at a music college earn fees to help them with their studies, and also gain experience in the music business. They receive a fee that is never less than the National Minimum Wage for each hour of rehearsal and performance, and is typically £100 - £200 per project. It is the first rung on the professional ladder for them. You can learn more about the Student Scheme in this video.

If you would like to support one of our Student Singers, or simply make a donation to the Chorus, please contact the Treasurer, Richard Ashdown - If you are a UK tax payer, then please let us know that you have made a donation via our contact page, and we will send you a Gift Aid form so that we can increase your donation by 25%. Thank you so much!