Patron: His Majesty King Charles III
Chorus Master: Gavin Carr
Accompanist: Timothy End
Arts Council England

Philharmonia Chorus Professional Singer Scheme

How the scheme works

The Philharmonia Chorus is made up of professional, student and high quality amateur singers. A professional singer successful at audition becomes a member of our Professional Singer Scheme. Depending on the demands of an engagement, a certain number of singers will be selected from the Scheme and individually contracted to take part on the basis of attendance at specified rehearsals. It is important that singers be willing to fit in with a chorus of this structure. The Scheme has been running since 2010, with impressive results. Though principally providing choral opportunities, opportunities arise also for singers to audition for solo parts in the Chorus's own concerts, and for other promoters. Singers are paid Equity rates for rehearsals and concerts.

Who can apply?

Applications are invited from singers in the first 10 years of their professional singing career.


Applicants will need to sing one of the following set arias and a song by one of the set composers below.

Set arias:

Sopranos: one aria from

Bach Cantata No.51, Aria No.1 Jauchzet Gott in allen Landen

Handel Messiah, Rejoice greatly

Haydn Die Schöpfung, Nun beut die Flur (With verdure clad), in German or English

Mezzo-sopranos and Altos: one aria from

Bach St John Passion, Aria No.30 Es ist vollbracht

Handel Messiah, But who may abide

Duruflé Requiem, Pie Jesu

Tenors: one aria from

Bach Christmas Oratorio, No.15 Frohe Hirten

Handel Messiah, Thou shalt break them

Handel Messiah, Every valley

Baritones: one aria from

Bach Mass in B minor, From the Credo, No 7 Et in spiritum sanctum

Handel Messiah, Why do the Nations

Haydn Die Schöpfung, Nun scheint in vollem Glanze der Himmel (Now Heaven in fullest Glory shines), in German or English

Basses and Bass-Baritones: one aria from

Bach Mass in B minor, No.11 Quoniam tu solus sanctus

Handel Messiah, Why do the Nations

Haydn Die Schöpfung, Nun scheint in vollem Glanze der Himmel (Now Heaven in fullest Glory shines), in German or English

And a song of your own choice by: Schubert, Schumann, Brahms, Wolf, Mahler or Berg.

Applicants will be asked to sight read.

How singers can apply

To apply for an audition, please e-mail your CV to the Administrator of the Philharmonia Chorus Professional Singer Scheme, Christopher Hollis,, along with an audio clip of up to a maximum of 4 minutes of repertory of your choice (if necessary, shorn of any lengthy introductory accompaniment).

If you have any questions, or would like to contact a professional singer already in the Scheme, you can telephone Christopher on 020 7250 0513 or 07941 383267.